Alain L.J. Laurencelle, KStJ, BA, LLB is a Partner with Taylor McCaffrey, experienced in all facets of real estate and commercial law, with a particular interest in life lease, condominium, and land development. Fluent in both French and English, Alain has earned a trusted reputation for delivering intelligent and insightful counsel.
Along with establishing and managing three satellite rural offices for Taylor McCaffrey, he serves as legal advisor and corporate counsel to local, national, and international clients. He routinely acts as lead legal counsel on major files. The World Trade Centre Winnipeg has referred clients to him and consult with him on various legal matters, including Canadians doing business in the USA.
Alain has presented at the Université de Saint-Boniface, the Université de Moncton, Robson Hall, Faculty of Law (business organization law and real estate law, en français), the Law Society of Manitoba and the Manitoba Bar Association. He has also been a presenter of continuing education programs on real estate, professional and ethical legal conduct, and language rights/access to justice issues. In 2014, he was a member of his firm’s legal team that was awarded the Manitoba Bar Association Pro Bono Legal Award of the Year for a Court challenge of a Manitoba Municipal By-Law deemed to be discriminatory against persons with disabilities.
Alain is especially proud of his continued involvement over the past 16+ years with St. John Ambulance. Most recently, he served as the Chancellor of The Priory of Canada of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem 2020 – 2022 (nationally and internationally), and currently as Immediate Past Chancellor 2022 – 2024. He is also serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, where Alain is Honorary Colonel of 16, 17 and 18 Field Ambulances, Reserves. In 2010, he and his daughter Martine received Life Saving Awards from the RCMP and The Order of St. John for trying to save the life of the driver of a motor vehicle and saving the life of a woman.
In 2018, Alain received the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, Vice-Prior Award for Community Services from Her Honour, Janice Filmon.
Alain est un associé senior de Taylor McCaffrey srl, expérimenté dans toutes les facettes du droit immobilier et commercial, avec un intérêt particulier pour les baux viagers et le développement de terrains et propriétés commerciales et résidentielles. Bilingue en français et en anglais. Au cours de sa carrière, Alain s’est forgé une réputation de confiance en fournissant des conseils intelligents et pratiques.
En plus d’établir et de gérer trois bureaux ruraux satellites pour Taylor McCaffrey srl, il agit à titre de conseiller juridique et d’avocat auprès de clients locaux, nationaux et internationaux. Il agit régulièrement à titre de conseiller juridique principal dans des dossiers importants. Le World Trade Centre Winnipeg lui a référé des clients et l’a consulté sur diverses questions juridiques, y compris pour des Canadiens faisant affaires aux États-Unis.
Alain a présenté à l’Université de Saint-Boniface, à l’Université de Moncton, à Robson Hall/Faculté de droit (droit de l’entreprise et droit immobilier, en français), à La Société du Barreau du Manitoba, et au Barreau du Manitoba en général. Il a également présenté des programmes de formation continue sur l’immobilier, la déontologie juridique professionnelle et l’éthique, les droits linguistiques, et l’accès à la justice. En 2014, il était membre de l’équipe juridique de son cabinet qui a reçu le prix juridique pro bono de l’année du Barreau du Manitoba pour une contestation judiciaire d’un règlement municipal du Manitoba jugé discriminatoire à l’égard des personnes handicapées.
Alain est particulièrement fier de son implication continue au cours des 16 dernières années avec l’Ambulance Saint-Jean du Canada. Plus récemment, il a été chancelier du Prieuré du Canada de l’Ordre le plus vénérable de l’hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem 2020 – 2022 (au niveau national et international), et actuellement en tant que chancelier sortant 2022 – 2024. Il sert également dans les Forces armées canadiennes, où Alain est colonel honoraire des 16, 17 et 18 Ambulances de campagne, Réserves (Saskatchewan, Manitoba et Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario). En 2010, lui et sa fille Martine ont reçu des Certificats de Sauvetage de la GRC et de l’Ordre de Saint-Jean pour avoir tenté de sauver la vie d’un conducteur de véhicule et d’avoir sauvé la vie d’une femme.
Alain a reçu plusieurs prix professionnels et de services à la communauté, y compris en 2018 il a reçu le prix du lieutenant-gouverneur du Manitoba pour services communautaires de Son Honneur, Janice Filmon, vice-prieur.
Practice Areas
- Business
- Commercial Contracts
- Cooperatives
- Corporate & Commercial
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Services & Restructuring
- Franchise Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Partnerships
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Real Estate & Property Development
- Commercial Real Estate
- Condominium
- Financing
- Leasing
- Property Development, Construction and Subdivisions
- Residential Real Estate
- Wills, Estates & Trusts
- Manitoba Bar Association
- Canadian Bar Association
- Association des juristes d’expression française du Manitoba Inc.
- St. Boniface Chamber of Commerce
- Commander of the Order of St. John, Canada
- Royal Military Institute of Manitoba
- Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly-Msgr. Taché
- Compagnie de La Vérendrye (historical re-enactment)
- The Manitoba Club
- President of Les Amis de la Maison des Arts Visuels du Manitoba Inc.
- The Priory of Canada of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John in Jerusalem – Chancellor
- The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba, Honorary Legal Counsel
- Father Aurèle Lemoine Fund, President
- Canadian Corps of Commissionaires (Manitoba), Governor
- Canadian Forces Liaison Council (Manitoba), Director
- Knights of Columbus (Manitoba), Conferring Officer
- Honorary Colonel of 16 and 17 and 18 Field Ambulance, Reserves
- Association des juristes d’expression française du Manitoba Inc, President
- Heather Curling Club, League Manager
- Special Committee of the President of the Law Society of Manitoba dealing with the Independence and Accountability of the Legal Profession, Member
- Law Society of Manitoba’s Professional Liability Claims Fund Committee, Practice and Ethics Committee, Member
- The Priory of Canada of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John in Jerusalem, Honorary Legal Counsel, Deputy Chancellor
- Renaissance Center (Family Counselling Centre), President
- Language Advisory Committee of the Court Challenges Program of Canada, Chair and Representative
- St. Boniface Business Club, President
- Taché Centre and Foyer Valade Care Facilities Fundraising Committees, Member
- Centralia (Business to Business Forum, Winnipeg 2010), Advisory Committee
- Manitoba Bar Association, Real Property Section Committee, reviewing “Life Leases”
- Advisory Committee on Federal Judicial Appointments in the Province of Manitoba appointed by the Federal Minister of Justice, Member (2003-2006)
- Centre de Santé, appointed by the SFM, Director
- Recipient, Knights of Columbus International Award for Council Activity, Boston (2000)
- Entrepreneur of the Year Award, St. Boniface Chamber of Commerce (2005)
- Priory Vote of Thanks, St. John Ambulance (2007)
- Chair Commendation Award, St. John Ambulance (2009)
- Gold Life Saving Award, The Order of St. John (2010)
- RCMP, Commanding Officer “D” Division, Certificate of Appreciation (2012)
- Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal (2013)
- Pro Bono Legal Award, Manitoba Bar Association (2014). Member of the Taylor McCaffrey LLP Legal Team representing New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults and Families Inc
- Award for Community Services from Her Honour, Janice Filmon, Lt. Gov. of Manitoba (2018)
- The Evolution of Life Leases in Manitoba – a viable and attractive housing option. Legal Presentation at the Issac Pitblado Lectures, November 2015
- Université de St-Boniface, Technical and Vocational Faculty, Sessional Lecturer business admin. Students (2014)
- University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law, Sessional Lecturer and Invited Speaker, Business Law and the Practice of Law in French in Manitoba (2011-2014, 2019)
- Code of Professional Conduct, and Panel Discussion on Constitutional Rights Access to Justice Under The Official Language Act (2016)
- Law Society of Manitoba: “Advising Seniors about Real Estate and Business Issues” (June 2000)
- Law Society of Manitoba: “Ethics, Professional Responsibility and Law Office Management” (November 2002, March 2003, September 2003 and March 2004)
- Université de St-Boniface: “Nursing Sciences and the Law” (2001, 2002)
- Conférence Institut Joseph Dubuc “Life Leases in Manitoba: analysis and comparative study” (November 2002)
- Conférence Université de Moncton Faculty of Law “Practising Law in French in Manitoba” (March 2003 published)
- Association des Universités de la francophonie canadienne: “Understanding your Constitution and Policies” (2005)
- Caisses Populaires of Manitoba: “The Homestead Act and Independent Legal Advice Issues in Conveyancing and Financing Transactions in Manitoba” (2009-2012)
Articles and Resources by Alain (Al) L.J Laurencelle
Resources by Alain (Al) L.J Laurencelle