Family Law
Experience in all methods of dispute resolution

Family Law Practice Areas
More about dispute resolution
Custody and access issues are often at the heart of family disputes. Many people do not realize the implications for their children and themselves that arise from the decisions that must be made. Our lawyers help guide our clients in their assessment of the best interests of their children regarding custody and division of time, mobility, name changes and other issues.
The area of spousal and common law partner support continues to undergo considerable change as a result of several recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions. Entitlement to support and the determination of the amount and duration are complex issues which require careful consideration.
Child support has also undergone significant changes, reflected in amendments to the Income Tax Act, the Divorce Act and The Family Maintenance Act, along with the implementation of the Child Support Guidelines. These guidelines prescribe base amounts of support to be paid for children, along with the potential sharing of additional expenses. The amount of support paid may be affected by the time-sharing arrangements. Children over the age of majority often continue to qualify as dependent children for the purposes of support. There are also new regulations which mandate ongoing obligations for financial disclosure. It is imperative that people understand both their rights and possible obligations in this critically important and expanding area of law.
Our family lawyers believe that negotiation, mediation and collaborative practice techniques are important tools in the resolution of family matters. Due to the presence of children, some relationship between the parties will likely continue to exist. An amicable resolution, where possible, will assist parties in defining and securing a working relationship. Our lawyers are trained and experienced in these methods of resolving disputes, which can lead to resolutions without litigation. In some cases litigation or arbitration may be necessary to resolve all or some issues which are potentially contentious.
Property issues have become more intricate and may involve everything from the division of items of sentimental value to complicated offshore corporate holdings and trusts. The Family Property Act accounting can be a complex legal procedure involving the identification, valuation and sharing of the value of a wide variety of assets, liabilities, debts and tax. Our lawyers are knowledgeable about the rights of parties and the nuances in this area of law and are experienced in guiding clients to reasonable and achievable goals in the most cost effective and efficient manner possible.
A divorce is a difficult time for all parties involved. The divorce process can involve parenting arrangements, property division and support. The process to finalizing a divorce requires the final step of filing a request to the Court of Queen’s Bench Family Division.
Our family law lawyers can assist in navigating this process to ensure ease and completion.