Being an executor or administrator of a deceased person's estate is a significant and important responsibility. We are called upon daily to help carry out the estate plan through the administration of your estate upon your demise. However, the work of our Estate Administration lawyers starts well before that, when we meet with you to help organize and document your wishes. In many cases, it will be necessary for the executor(s) to apply to the court for a Grant of Probate of your will. We give the executors the information and assistance they need to be able to administer the estate as effectively and efficiently as possible to protect them from liability while acting in that role and to protect your beneficiaries and help ensure the smooth transition of your hard-earned assets to the persons you chose to receive your wealth.
What happens if you die without a will? We help the family through the process of applying to court to ask that an administrator be appointed for the estate. It takes more time and has different procedural requirements, but our lawyers have the knowledge to enable your family to still look after your affairs and distribute the estate according to law.