News2019 | 11 | 28

Taylor McCaffrey is pleased to once again co-host the annual CPD/Holiday event held jointly with the Manitoba Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (“MAIRP”) on December 17th at our new premises at 201 Portage Avenue. This evening includes beverages and hors d’oeuvres courtesy of MAIRP and Taylor McCaffrey LLP along with the following speakers:
- The Honorable Mr. Justice Kroft and JJ Burnell of MLT Aikins LLP to discuss recent amendments and updates on Manitoba’s Model Orders;
- Joe Healey of Ernst & Young to discuss the recent Alberta Court of Appeal decision Canada v. Canada North Group Inc., 2019 ABCA 314 and the priority of CCAA charges over Crown deemed trusts; and
- The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy to discuss their current regulations and practices.
It’s an annual event to socialize and discuss these topics amongst members of the bench, the insolvency bar and the trustee community.