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News2020 | 01 | 21

Supporting Our Future Leaders


We are pleased to sponsor the Future Leaders of Manitoba  in acknowledging the accomplishments of our young leaders in Manitoba.   The Future Leaders Awards Reception will take place on Thursday, January  30, 2020, at the Fort Garry Hotel.  Founded in 2007, The Future Leaders of Manitoba (FLM) is an organization of professionals, who believe that the future of our province relies on our ability to encourage and attract exceptional young people to live, work and thrive in this great province.

This year’s Finalists:

Age 20-26 Category

  • Brenda Okorogba (Winnipeg), who uses social media to help connect students with scholarships, internships and other opportunities
  • Justin Langan (Swan River), an advocate for Metis rights and culture
  • Whitney Hodgins (Brandon), an accessibility and mental health advocate

Age 27-32 Category

  • Chris Hoquis (Winnipeg), an avid volunteer advocating for youth, students and mental health
  • Sara Usman (Winnipeg), a women’s rights advocate working to raise awareness on issues such as shame, gender based violence and domestic violence
  • Brandt Butt (Winnipeg), the founder of a boxing program for people with Parkinson’s

Age 33-39 Category

  • Joseph Chaeben (Winnipeg), business owner, mentor and community fundraiser
  • Rob Tétrault (Winnipeg), the founder of CMV Canada, and community fundraiser
  • Ben Maréga (Winnipeg), a social justice champion and avid volunteer

Good luck to all Finalists!