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News2019 | 05 | 27

Taylor McCaffrey LLP is proud to sponsor the Marymound Exclusive 100 Golf Tournament


Marymound is a unique, leading edge service provider that offers a guiding light and another chance to more than 2,000 young people throughout Manitoba each year. Marymound’s primary mission is with children, youth and families who need support as they face the challenges of growing, learning and parenting. Through culturally diverse care in safe living environments, individual relationships, academic preparation, therapeutic intervention and advocacy, Marymound supports Manitoba children and their families to reach their fullest potential and independence.

The third annual Marymound Charity Golf Tournament will be held May 30, 2019 at the Rossmere Country Club. This year’s golf tournament promises to be well-paced by limiting registration to 100 golfers.

Radio personality Joe Aiello returns as the host of the post-game dinner that includes numerous prize packages along with many laughs and a good time for all.

Lawyers from Taylor McCaffrey LLP are attending the golf tournament once again and are pleased to support and spread awareness about this important cause that supports youth and families through treatment and services.

Learn more about Marymound’s history and services here.