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News2018 | 08 | 20

Taylor McCaffrey LLP is pleased to Join the Exchange Corporation Golf Fundraiser in support of the Dream Factory – Featuring Josh Morrissey of the Winnipeg Jets


The Dream Factory is a charitable organization dedicated to fulfilling dreams for kids who are living with a disease or a life-limiting condition. Since 1983, when they founded as The Rainbow Society, they’ve created cherished memories for more than 700 families in Manitoba. Taylor McCaffrey LLP is proud to sponsor the Exchange Income Corporation Golf Fundraiser in support of The Dream Factory.


The golf tournament is taking place on September 7th at Pine Ridge Golf and Country Club, Paul (PJ) Prendergast who has been participating in the event for over five years, will participating on behalf of Taylor McCaffrey LLP once again. The ambassador Josh Morrissey of the Winnipeg Jets is also joining the event in support of making more dreams come true for Manitoba kids who are battling life-threatening illnesses.


If you are interested in getting involved or learning more, click here.